Designs by Barbara Williams

Web Design: Resource Website Concept Design

*This page was a concept design of a website providing homework resources for parents.

Project Brief + Process

Organizing an information-heavy web page can be especially challenging for designers. After researching the topic and collecting data, I created a storyboard to walk through how the page would be used. This allowed me to design with the end-user and their situation in mind.

storyboard sketch

I researched different styles of charts, graphs, and illustrations to visually represent the data. Along with clear headings, these make it easy for the user to quickly find the information that they need on the page.

Custom illustrations allowed me to emphasize important data, and design a page with enough variety and visual interest to keep the user engaged.

Working with testers to determine which data illustrations were most useful in understanding the information being presented allowed me to refine the images to better meet their needs.

Final Website

Web page mockup for information design